Engagement citoyen / dialogue intergénérationnel


Créé le: 25.10.2020


  • Quand: 04/01/2021 - 30/09/2021

  • ­ 1 CITIZEN, 1 IDEA


Travailler ensemble

Making the invisible visible, in the service of collective interest as the chances of success are not equal for any citizen.

Determinisms of all kinds: economic, social, cultural and geographical, lead to isolation and confinement, giving a large proportion of European citizens the feeling that their future is definitively limited despite their talents and ambitions. This is particularly the case in remote places of the countryside or in the poor suburbs of most cities. 
Lack of horizon and visibility often forces these people to make choices by default, as their voices are not heard and their ideas rarely valued.

The "1 CITIZEN, 1 IDEA" project  will  allow 5 German and 5 French people from these "peripheral places" to come out of anonymity by bringing  their ideas to life in the field of new environmental ideas : the aim is to put their creativity, intelligence and ingenuity in order to serve the entire society by adressing environmental issues.

Each of these citizens will be sponsored by a person able to help him/her to realize his/her project: elected representative, public servant, entrepreneur, athlete, artist, actor and their ideas will be promoted by short video clips.

This project tends to promote the talents among the territories without taking into account the physical or psychological barriers (place of living, level of diploma, handicap etc...), thus making it possible to turn these invisible people into visible talents. Valuing their words and ideas symbolically means offering all these people the means to feel represented within the European community.

We know, being in daily contact with them, that craftsmen or researchers, workers or shopkeepers, artists or farmers, computer specialists or technicians, disabled people, employed or not, can bring forth effective, powerful and rational ideas, marked by common sense. But it is still impossible for them to implement these due to a lack of audience and means.

The "1 CITIZEN, 1 IDEA" project will enable these people to move from shadow to light  for the greater good of European societies.


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